I’m very busy working at the moment. Nevertheless I started a little learning experience with a VR Project. The goal is to make some sort of multiplayer VR game based on the idea of the old Windows Game BangBang
The 2 Players should have a platform (or multiple?) with canons and must shoot over hills to take eachother out. Not figured everything out yet but I worked some evenings on this and have some stuff figured out!
What I’ve figured out so far: Level generation, Normal Maps, Shader for Textures and triplanar texture uv, Canon VR Controll.
Let’s back this statement up with some media:
Procedural Level generation. I get perlin noise vertex points, combine them to triangles and create a mesh out of it.
As I was trying to get the normals right I had an interesting fail. This reminds me of the old music players visualizing the songs or something along the lines.
And here is the shader displaying the working normals for the mesh. yay.
Next up in the TODO list
Oh my god what a piece I missed in 2017. What Remains of Edith Finch is a short and VERY worthy game to spent time with. It oozes creativity in creative story telling and surprised me a few times. It is heavy story driven and such a good editet game. Don’t let the start let you off when you have to walk to the house. It really sets the mood and hooks you in. I recommend this very much. Please consider playing.
All screenshots can be found here: Steam Screenshots
And the Game can be found here:
What Remains of Edith Finch on Steam
Dark Souls 3 is the third in the Souls series which I enjoyed very much. They upped the graphics to impressive levels compared to DS1 and 2. I still like Dark Souls 1 the most but thats because of the leveldesign. Dark Souls 3 has the best fighting mechanic and dynamic of all the Souls games and it was the most fun to play and fight. The world is very fleshed out and looks fantastic, enemies blend into this environment and everything is very fitting.
All screenshots can be found here: Steam Screenshots
And the Game can be found here:
Dark Souls 3 on Steam
A quick guide on how to create Objects and Materials at Runtime. I use it for debug objects etc. This is how it looks like when I use it:
// creating a Primitive
GameObject debugSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
debugSphere.name = "debugSphere";
// set the position to your objects position and scale it down
new Vector3(
transform.position.x + xPosition,
transform.position.y + 0,
transform.position.z + zPosition);
// create a temporary Material and color it
Material debugMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
debugMaterial.color = new Color(1.0f, 0.7f, 0.0f);
For what you can choose as PrimitiveType see https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/PrimitiveType.html (At the point of writing it was: Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, Cube, Plane, Quad)
For what you can choose as Material (Standard etc.) create a material and click on the Shader dropdown.
For Shaders in Subfolders (ex. FX) you write “FX/Water” etc.
Firewatch is a short game about a Firewatch tower in a forest. You play a man who wants to get away from his life for a summer and is on duty to protect the woods from fires. You regularly have radio contact to another firewatch member and you start to discover the land. Beautiful looking game, short (which is neat) and kept me playing until the end. The story is not deep, don’t expect too much there.
All screenshots can be found here: Steam Screenshots
And the Game can be found here:
Firewatch on Steam
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