Road to Linux
Hey there,
What happened so far? For a long time, I wanted to give Linux a Chance. Some days ago my SSD reported, that it’s almost full (again) and that day I decided to skip a Windows reinstall. I immediately ordered a new SSD (Samsung 840 Evo 750 GB).
A couple of days later I held the SSD in my hands and started tinkering. Several days and a couple of issues later I am sitting here, writing this article partially on Archlinux. And I guess I will install Debian or Ubunt instead of Archlinux. Don’t get me wrong, I like Archlinux. I learned a lot about HDD’s since I started with the migration and I love to learn new things.
Arch has a great community repository and is REALLY cutting edge but it comes with a price: You have to work on your base OS a lot. The setup will take a lot of time if you are not familiar with, lets say everything. Since I want to migrate from Windows 7, I expect to have a downtime and need to learn some basics but I don’t want to spend my free hours tinkering on the OS. Everyone who is interested in the latest technology and likes tinkering should give Arch a try. I will try it again some years down the line I guess.
Why Ubuntu? Because I want to setup a basic system that should work mostly out of the box. Don’t get me wrong I want to work on my OS if necessary. But please don’t make me work on the bootloader to get my system started if not necessary. Ubuntu has a big Community and there are a lot of systems who run Ubuntu. That gives Ubuntu a strong base and it should run on most hardware. Ubuntu 14.04 Codename Trusty Tahr will release on April 17th. That’s when my Linux sails will catch wind again!
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