Where to learn PHP? This post is not for learning PHP. It is meant to show good Codeblocks that are in most PHP files. It should help you so if you google and see older codesnippets you will know what part to replace with newer safer code. Receive POST / GET Data from Forms If […]
A quick list of April fools I stumbled upon this year. Let’s start with Humble bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/indiefonts A new TYPE of bundle. Move aside, games and books — there’s a hot new bundle in town: FONTS. Glorious, glorious fonts. There’s no better way to express yourself than with a handcrafted, artisan font, so we’ve assembled […]
This post is a short one explaining the boost::random with fixed seed and with variable seed. First of all let me explain how it works. You use an random engine that is initialized with a seed. After that you have your distribution object (here I use uniform integer distribution) where you set the min max […]
Just a short blogpost. I don’t have a lot of websites i surf frequently, but I have to make this blogpost. I have read the ( REALLY long ) Blogpost about how SpaceX will colonize mars and why and I instantly fell in love with the website. I suggest you give http://waitbutwhy.com/ a try. […]
MongoDB is evil. It… … loses data … in fact, for a long time, ignored errors by default and assumed every single write succeeded no matter what (which on 32-bits systems led to losing all data silently after some 3GB, due to MongoDB limitations) … is slow, even at its advertised usecases, and claims to […]
Hey there, I saw a post on Reddit about a job application. https://blog.svpino.com/2015/05/07/five-programming-problems-every-software-engineer-should-be-able-to-solve-in-less-than-1-hour The poster would test the candidates with 5 programming problems. While it makes sense to check if ppl actually can programm I am not so sure wether Problem 4 and 5 are good job application Problems. I basically wanted to dip my […]
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